Design Asean 2018 : Tohu Gejrot - Intensitas
A 2 weeks workshop with Kriya Nusantara (Indonesia)

[EN]  2018/11 I travelled to Indonesia for a for a workshop called 'Design Asean' organised by IFI (French Institute) and La Cité du Design. Its aim is to link local companies and foreigner designers so that we get experience from each other. I've always been working with craftsmen from my region and so I was very lucky being part of that workshop with the Kriya Nusantara company in Bandung, Indonesia. Kriya Nusantara is making very detailed and quality products such as perfume boxes, radios, candle holders and many more. Its specific qualities are the work of pattern and metal engraving.
© Fajar Adi Putra Abdullah
I've been working with the talented designers Pak Iman and Pak Handoko during two weeks to purpose two standing lights to enlarge European market possibilities. The goal we had is to confront my design to local culture, such as Batik, shadow puppets or even specific furniture shapes.
At first we were looking for an object that could match Kriya Nusantara's skills and European market needs within an added value product.
We ended with a choice of lightings development. A good opportunity to add details and decorative elements with engraved metal parts. Lamps are iconic in a way that they are not necessary just functional products.
Many trials were done : different concept experiments, primary 3d models and rendering, size adjustments and several reviews.
We result in two different concepts :
Tahu Gejrot

Tahu Gojerot (spicy tofu), inspired by the streets vendors instruments.
It's a table lamp made of wood and copper. At first you won't be able to see the pattern, but when you switch it on, the 'motif' appears as a reference of Kriya Nusantara's skills. The handle is made of copper too, it gives you the idea to take it and play with its location. The shape is very simple, but contains many details of bending and assembling subtility.
© Danumurthi Mahendra

Intensitas is a table lamp offering interactions, it plays with ray and shadow in reference to shadow puppets. It's pattern Megamendung is inspired by batiks from occidental Java, the region around Bandung.
© Arian Zwegers
When you turn the handle, you'll see the different light intensity. The making is very difficult and has to be precise so that the movement is smooth : It demands skills and precision.
Tahu Gejrot & Intensitas
Design Asean

Design Asean

Tahu Gojerot (spicy tofu) & Intensitas, 2 table lights designed within Design Asean workshop and made with Kriya Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia. O Read More
