In one of my classes, we were tasked with choosing a local company to redesign their logo. I chose a company called Hyatt Investigations and Process Service. Because I didn't really know that much about them, I began with my research. I read through their website to find as much information as I could.

Hyatt Investigation and Process Service is a professional private investigation agency, so I began with sketches that played on private investigators and detectives.
In the end, I decided the cleanest and most professional look for a private investigation agency was something typographical. I played with different font choices and colors before deciding on the final design.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Below you see the final logo.
We also had to design a business card, a letterhead, and an envelope, and create a branding guide with instructions on color usage, fonts for the brand, and other instructions about the logo.
Front cover of branding guide.
This branding guide won a Silver ADDY award at the 2018 American Advertising Awards in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Hyatt Brand

Hyatt Brand
