Vipin Paul's profile

FITMATE - UX Process



We all know that maintaining an active lifestyle should be one of our top priorities in life. Now people started thinking
about health, but inability to spend time for exercise and a lack of planning for food.

From the surveys and research that has shown that 10% of people who live without a set routine, particularly those who
work in shift and end up with type 2 diabetes.

Here are the other challenges when you join gym:
 Unpredictable schedule, Lack of personalised guidance, Professional Personal Trainers are expensive.

Nowadays peoples started doing exercise, but it end up with injuries. Its mainly because of overdoing workouts, wrong
gestures, improper guidance etc.

It is equally important that you should follow proper diet.



- Personalised workouts depends on the assessment of your health, because all workouts are not ideal for everyone. 
It should differ depends on gender, stamina and health.    

- Providing instructional training videos and live personal assistants - It will helps you to avoid injuries and better results.

- Progress reports of your workouts - It will motivate to achieve goals.

-  Workout plans should be flexible, there will be options to select the In-home, In-gym and outdoor exercise depends on your availability. 

- Suggesting balance diet depends on your health, region etc.



Here are the list of persons based on user research and
competitor analysis.



Here is the user Journey of BOB - Persona 2



User Flows for Guest and Existing User

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FITMATE - UX Process

FITMATE - UX Process

FITMATE is an AI based Fitness Personal Assistant concept. It will suggest the Personalised workouts depends on the assessment of your Health, Ag Read More
