!! Turn up THE volume !!
Song: The Million Way of Drum, by Nujabes
Kazuo Niibori is a suit actor for the Super Sentai franchise, who played the red warrior for 14 generations. His dedication to the role brings out the power and flavour the television series looks to project with its amazing stunt work and zany imagination. This video is a tribute to the actor, as well as an expression of how I feel during the climax of each episode...

"Always be aware of the camera!" - Kazuo Niibori
I don't understand Japanese (Don't worry, I had the content proofread). But as a designer I understand form. My inability to decipher the meaning made it easier to see like a baby again - perceiving the image below only in terms of what it looks like. The focus became action. I can see it move. I felt it shouting to me in sequences, "Look at this! And this! Yo, and this! Heeeyyaa!" That interpretation became the inspiration behind the direction of this video.
An inspiration for the treatment.
Mr. Reddo

Mr. Reddo

A tribute to Kazuo Niibori for serving 14 generations as the red warrior.
