Turner Manami's profile

【2018】UI improvement of App

UI Improvement details of Crowdworks' Apps

CrowdWorks is one of the biggest crowdsourcing services and growing rapidly in Japan.
Registered developers/designers can apply to more than 70 kinds of projects/tasks,
from development of iPhone(iOS) and Android Apps, to website and logo designs.
They offer new work style to 130,000 users.

クラウドワークスのアプリ開発チームのデザイナーとして、ワーカーの仕事応募率を高めるために、Android 及び iOSアプリの仕事詳細のUI改善を行いました。

I improved the UI of the iPhone (iOS) and Android Apps of CrowdWorks.
The goal of this project was to redesign the job detail screen in order to increase the job application rate.
I completed the project in a team containing a project manager, and engineers for each native OS.



Using our existing set of knowledge about user actions and customer reviews, we began by setting up a system for usability and interviews and conducting them at length.  
We then analyzed the results of these interviews to gain insights about things that our users prioritize when deciding whether or not to accept a job, and created a persona and a map of the various kinds of users on our platform and their relative needs. 
Then we transferred this knowledge into a rough prototype where the information hierarchy and overall experience was tailored for these "personas".  
Even after completing the first round of UI updates, we continued to refine the design through a cycle including usability and interviews, leading to the creation of hypotheses which we then tested by updating the UI and analyzing the data to decide which updates become permanent.

The results of user Interviews and usability tests

Based on user interviews and usability tests, we concluded that the criteria used to select jobs didn’t differ significantly based on the type of job.  And we also found that the following were the most important questions job seekers had, in order of importance:

- Is the job a good fit for me? (based on skills, time requirements etc.)
- Does this person seem easy to work with?
- Does this person seem trustworthy?

Each of these have corresponding data in the app, so my job then was to define an informational structure that shows user the data they want to see in the correct priority.



Starting at the first stage of creating functional prototypes, our goal was to rapidly compare and iterate on as many versions of the design as possible, and try as many different UI patterns as possible.

Below are wireframe examples of four different configurations I considered :

1. This is a card-based style that optimizes for breadth of information by hiding detailed information for each section by default, but showing many sections so that again, users can quickly find the portion they care about and expand from there.  
The job poster's reviews section is also compact, showing only their star rating until the user taps to view more information.

2. This design focuses on transmitting the specifics of the job itself, with as much detail as possible without forcing users to tap elements to get more information. 
Client reviews are included but not prioritized as highly as the job details, and the same is true for the list of applicants.

3. This version further prioritizes information about the job poster themselves rather than the job posting, in an attempt to allow users to quickly judge the other user without wasting time thinking about whether the job is a good fit or not, just to find that the person posting the job looks suspicious to them.

4. This simple view employs a hybrid approach where it also focuses on the job details, 
but also includes the status of existing applications to inform users about how many competitors they have.  
These are both prioritized above the data for the job poster's feedback.











A. 既存では評価の詳細画面はWebだけの機能となっていたため、アプリでも参照できるように、評価の詳細を確認する導線と評価の詳細画面を追加。

B. すべてのコンテンツを1ページに入れたデザインにすることで、クライアントの信頼度を判断するための基本情報である「評価 & 本人確認 (済/未)」が以前より下に表示されるレイアウトになってしまうことがネックでした。
そのため、「応募するボタン」を固定表示にし、ボタンの左側に「評価 & 本人確認 (済/未)」情報を表示。
さらに、この「評価 & 本人確認 (済/未)」ラベルに、評価の詳細を確認するための導線を追加することで、いつでも評価の詳細画面を参照することができるようにしました。

A  & Bにより、ワーカーが、いつでもクライアントの「評価 & 本人確認 (済/未)」を参照することができ、クライアントの評価の詳細画面に遷移できるようになりました。









Information Architecture

I used the information from user interviews and usability tests to decide what data to show on the screen and in what order. 
I also designed the interface for showing user ratings, which are another major component for which we got feedback in our user interviews.

Removing the tab bar

Considering the overall architecture of the job details page, we decided to remove the tab bar.

Based on the results of user interviews, we concluded that the jumping back and forth between pages and comparing data necessitated by the tabbed structure was a suboptimal experience. 
It caused an unnecessarily high cognitive load on users who had to keep the contents of other tabs in their minds while reading the content of other tabs.

Because of this, I decided to consolidate all of the tabs into a single-page design, in order to increase the page's usability.  
In exchange, I elected to show summaries for the job's status and client information.

Deciding display attributes based on analysis of users' needs

We also gained various other insights from the user interviews:

1. In addition to seeing details about the job contents itself, many users were also curious about the number of fellow users who had already applied to do the job. 

They want to understand how many "competitors" they have. 
Because of this, I prioritized this data by moving it to the "job summary" section near the top of the page.

2. Another concern raised by users was the question of whether a job poster was trustworthy. 

I realized this is very important users, but by moving to a single-page layout, 
I was forced to move the reviews and job poster information further down on the page.
 To solve this problem, I took several steps:

A. I created a new pathway in the app to view the specifics of a user's history, 
which had previously been a web-specific feature.

B. I also added the data about a user's previous actions to the left of the "Apply" button, which is in a fixed position on the screen that's always visible. 
This UI allows users to quickly decide whether the job poster looks trustworthy or not, 
and it still allows us to gain all of the benefits from the new single-page design.

Both #1 and #2 above contributed to making the information hierarchy more consistent, and helped our users more quickly decide whether to apply to a job or not.

Improving the Icons

The "Request an update" icon 
The icon for requesting an update from the job poster was initially an angry-looking face, but that icon wasn't enough to express the button's purpose, and we found that it confused new users. 
To fix this, I realized that we needed to add a label to make it more clear. 
Also, having the angry face icon at the top of the page isn't ideal.
I decided to replace the icon with a three-dot menu button with a text label so that users would know exactly what it did.

The "Share" Icon 
After doing some data analysis, we found that the "Share" button wasn't used very much, so we also consolidated it inside our new menu with the three-dot icon.

Reducing Visual Noise 
I also took the following steps with the aim of reducing the amount of "noise" in the UI.

Removal of Lines 
In the original design, there were lines separating each line in the "Job Summary", underneath headers etc. 
I decided that many of these lines were unnecessary and only felt like visual noise on the page. 
They also take up vertical space, so I decided to remove them, which both reduces the noise and makes the content height more consistent. 
I also added some additional grouping of page elements in order to create a more mobile app-like feel for the UI.

Title Color 
Before my design renewal, the overall app's tappable elements were using a turquoise color for their titles. 
However I decided that style looked too similar to links, so I switched the title text to use black instead. 
In order to maintain the feeling of being "highlighted", I increased the title margins and also increased the size of the text so that they feel more like titles.
【2018】UI improvement of App

【2018】UI improvement of App
