D. Komowska's profile

MiM / unique publication

MIM is a uniq publication
sets of letters for whose common denominator is the theory
of temperament by Hans Eysenck

Inspired by the Brazilian soap operas. Extremely colored emotion. Editorially designed in the dialogue of contrast based on the spatial form.The main means of expression paper and other materials.

extraversion / Amanda O

main charakter (actress Natalia Oreiro) is full of life, optimist,open;
multicolored label where text is a part of her biography and
open envelope interprets these features
introversion / Mar de Amor

 main character is Fisherwoman, experienced through life. She's secretive, gentle, emotional; envelope can't be fully open; interior materials refers to the maritime nature of television series
neuroticism / Amanda O

 in the series, there's a bad character, unsociable, mentally unstable; to get to neurotic, 
we have to tear envelope
psychoticism / Mar de Amor

irritable, changeable, impulsive, explosive; it's impossible to get inside;
therefore lettering is sharp, elongated, illogically merged swear-words form unreadable pattern of thoughts
 covers stylized for envelopes / made from kraft & waxed paper
MiM / unique publication

MiM / unique publication

MIM. uniq publication sets of letters for whose common denominator is the theory of temperament by Hans Eysenck. Mim is a publication which was i Read More
