Gabriella Larson's profile

Packaging Design: Zeep

For many making ends meet is not easy, but surrounding oneself with beauty is still of the utmost importance. That's why I created Zeep, an affordable personal beauty brand, sans brand tax. 

 The young women Zeep was created for are excited about their new purchasing power, but many  are conscious of their spending. Zeep appeals to these economically aware women by avoiding frills in packaging to achieve a lower price point. 

Market Research:  Female Age 21-26  Economic Bracket- Generic
Type Choices: Geometric sans serif, logo and body type, No–nonsense
Imagery: Non-existent, No–nonsense packaging and design
Process: I researched and developed soap bar packaging for females age 21-26 in three different economic brackets: Generic, Mid-Range, and luxury and developed the following: 
I further developed packaging for the what began as a simple soap bar package and created the following: 
Packaging Design: Zeep

Packaging Design: Zeep
