marike illustration's profile

Psychobabble | Exhibition (2018)

Psychobabble (2018)

Let’s pretend I’m an expert in the (mine)field of psychology with endless experience in living-life-in-the-head. Daily conversations with myselves, labyrinthine interactions with other beings, and imaginary realities within my consciousness.

And believe you me, it is not just me.

Every one of us has to deal with the complex landscapes within our minds. The unspoken parts of our daily lives. The silent (or sometimes audible) dialogues we have with parts of ourselves.

This series of illustrations depicts this exploration of the intricate worlds within my mind (like the true adventurer I’m not) and occasionally finding unexpected treasures.

(For group exhibition at Tina Skukan Gallery, Pretoria, South Africa, October 2018)
Kiss-Me-Quick-and-Go-my-Honey (exhibition title)
Weeding an Unkept Garden.
Three's a Crowd.
I'm on My High Horse and I can See Much Better from Up Here.
Head Above Water.
Bathing in My Lament.
Self-reflective Selfie.
Psychobabble | Exhibition (2018)

Psychobabble | Exhibition (2018)

A series of witty illustrations inspired by psychology and mental awareness. For a group exhibition.
