"The substratum is that of which everything else is predicated, while it is itself not predicated of anything else."
Aristotle, Metaphysics

Substances in a philosophical system are things that are the foundation or fundamental entitles of reality. The substratum itself is never described as a specific thing or a quality; neither is it characterized positively, anything negatively is directly its own result. The rest -product, size, length, width, depth and quantity- are not material; however, matter substantially belongs to them. 'Substratum' is an attempt at exploring ancient cities through stones as their smallest structural units. Images produced in the ancient city of Troy using a handmade camera obscura connect to the history of the city and its many myths.
2018, Diasec Print, 85cm x 170cm



This project contains 8 bw medium format pinhole images. All images taken by me in ancient Troy City for the 2018 Trojan Year.
