D DJ Sanderson's profile

Website on wix.com

Creating a webpage for a client on wix.com
Client brief 
to create a site on WIX , keeping inline with new logo
colors orange & greys
It is a very responsive site and I can see why it is popular, I have also noticed they give you the option to code the website yourself, I will try that at some point but for now we will work on my brother-in-law's website, it took me an hours to put together a generic page and he then had a quick look and didn't like the fonts used and some of the wireframing

so I worked on showing a few different fonts and then we worked on the info page and what it contained, as I dont really speak electrician - I had to do a bit of research.

We looked at a few different theme that were available and I mixed and matched, changed color schemes and came up with a page that matched his brief but also as we went through the process i realized there was more than just that simple briefing. 

The site required room for lots of images as well as an option to set up a blog not to mention the logo was going to change...

I'll update the page as soon as anymore changes are made
Using wix.com

So there is quite a few tools and elements that make the Wix Editor pretty great. I kinda understand the functions of the different bars. It also has quite an intuitive workflow. You can add images to a gallery or just upload an individual image. It lets you customize the gallery outline to match your overall site design and there is a large selection of gallery layouts to play with.
Whilst editing the page it also let me adjust the way the pages look.

I am attempting to use the editor but it seems the internet service is not playing today so I will have to end it here.

I will be back!!
Website on wix.com

Website on wix.com


Creative Fields