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CGI Animation White Handleless kitchen

As a creative content agency, Set Visions Ltd collaborates with clients to deliver engaging imagery and video to support their marking needs. Digital Marketing is an increasingly important part of a brand’s strategy in a highly competitive online market that offers multiple platforms from YouTube to Twitter to Instagram and Snapchat to maximise a brand’s visual reach. 

A recent project with Wickes kitchens saw us develop a number of marketing solutions for their new product offering. Their handleless kitchen ranges needed a style concept, imagery for brochure and video to build awareness. The minimalist kitchens were designed to reflect the Intelliga True Handleless system with clean flowing lines and key statement style. CGI stills were produced ensuring the images were technically correct and satisfied to the visual guideline our Art Director set. 

The CGI team then expanded the concept a step further and animated key elements to bring the kitchens to life. This new content was then edited with motion graphics to highlight key call outs to the customer. The result is a fantastic video resource that can easily be re-edited for specific audiences and platforms.
CGI Animation White Handleless kitchen

CGI Animation White Handleless kitchen
