nicol ragland's profile

The Hadzabe of Tanzania

The Hadzabe of Tanzania are one of the last remaining tribes of hunter-gatherers in the world. Their numbers are now fewer than 1500 and dwindling due to encroachment of neighboring pastoralists, ill-advised tourism and a misunderstood perception by the Tanzanian government. They own nothing, share everything, arent bothered by the concepts of time but sadly are being marginilized and possibly eradicated into the modern world.
" The truth is, the 20th century, 300 years from now, is not going to be remembered for its wars or technological innovations, but rather as the era in which we stood by and neither actively endorsed nor passively accepted the massive destruction of both biological and cultural diversity on the planet." ~ Wade Davis
The Hadzabe of Tanzania

The Hadzabe of Tanzania

The Hadzabe of Tanzania are one of the last remaining tribes of hunter-gatherers in the world. Their numbers are now fewer than 1500 and dwindlin Read More
