Not far from now, only 100 years away, we
imagine a world without nature. A world
destroyed by our past, current and future
actions. There will be no green and no oxygen
left in cities of this planet. We imagine a world
where the only way to stay alive, is through
our government’s control.

Provided by the state on the day of your
birth, a mandatory choker is fixed onto
your neck. It supplies your oxygen which is
determined by your actions and behaviour.
You must fulfil these categories: Health,
Social and Environment. Your every move
will be represented through the three
points on your choker, visible to everyone.

If they shine bright, you have done good - if it
dims, you have little time to improve before it’s
too late. If you do not live healthy, if you are
not social, if you disrespect the environment,
you will feel the consequences - your oxygen
will be taken. You will die.



