Alright guys, So let me be honest with you, All the projects that I do is inspired by personal experiences that I have encountered throughout my life. This project ''Happiness" is something that is extremely personal to me, as I mentioned earlier I'm going to be extremely honest with all of you right now.

I was snorting cocaine when I was running my own company last year, three months of intense usage of cocaine made me realize a few things, because at first the experience was amazing. I was focused, confident and had enough energy to work for hours. I started snorting cocaine at least 8 times everyday for the next 100 days. .

Anyone who has experienced this lethal drug knows by now that if you're either sad or depressed about something cocaine really makes you dive right into it and the next thing you know you're on a downward spiral. .

One fine day I started questioning about my Happiness, remember by this time I was a 21 year old CEO. The kid that slacked on all of his work since the very beginning of his education and the most unlikely to succeed is now running his own company. Anyone will be happy, but I wasn't and I soon realized that I invested in drugs, people or even a thing to make me happy and I soon started working on making myself happy because of what I do to society.

So this project is me trying to portray that it is of extreme importance that you're happy because of you. Go do you, you're amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Happiness - Official Trailer 2018
Ahemed Aaquil Ismail ( @aaqil14 ) is a 22 year old cooperate junior consultant and is also following his major in International Business Management at APPIT. When asked about what happiness means to Aaquil he happily said that happiness is in everything that you do, but its important to find your passion in life and if you do, you can find happiness. He also didn't forget to mention how reciting the Quran has helped him to find inner peace and bought a sense of relief and solitude to his life.
Following a degree in Business Management, 18 year old Lubnaa Zaman (@_beingablogger_ ) was our final volunteer. Lubnaa walked into the studio with all smiles and when we did ask her what happiness was to her, she said that the little things makes her happy and had a smile throughout the conversation she had with us seated in front of the camera.
"Happiness means a lot of things. Little things, big things and having people around me that do not judge me and accept me for who I am." @wanderlust_ovk
We rounded up a bunch of volunteers to come into a studio and answer a few questions on happiness, the questions were kept a secret since we needed to get the most authentic reaction from the people seated in front of the camera.
Say hello to Reanna Kahandawala (@reannaak ), a 19 year old that had her primary education from the Gateway College Negombo before enrolling at AOD ( @aod_design )for her higher studies pursuing a degree on Fashion Design & Marketing with the aim of making it big in the future. .
"When you can have a laugh and enjoy yourself and not feel any expectations behind your responsibilities." is what 21 year old @shenal_no5 had to say when we asked about what happiness is to him. I personally think what he had to say was gold and that it is of major importance that we enjoy ourselves and embrace who we are, after all, we only have one life.
19 year old Stephan De Silva (@stephandesilva) is a product of the British International school in Colombo. Happiness to him is the little things and what makes him the happiest is following his passion, which is flying. Currently a student pilot at the Openskies Flight Training, Stephan hopes one day that he can full-fill his love for flying by piloting a commercial airliner. Be happy Stephan and keep following your dreams.
From left - Deelika Fonseka | Zeeshan Akram Jabeer | Zainab Irfan
Creative Director - Deelika Fonseka
Cinematographer - Zeeshan Akram Jabeer
Photographer - Malaka Mp
Artwork - Ekmini Weerasinghe
Blogger - Zainab Irfan


We rounded up a bunch of volunteers to come into a studio and answer a few questions on happiness, the questions were kept a secret since we need Read More
