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ASH HSM 435 Entire Course NEW

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HSM 435 Week 1 Discussion 1 Cyber-Terrorism
HSM 435 Week 1 Discussion 2 Suicide Attacks
HSM 435 Week 2 Discussion 1 Prolonged and Isolated Terrorist Attacks
HSM 435 Week 2 Discussion 2 Children and TerrorismChildren and Terrorism.
HSM 435 Week 2 Assignments Terrorism and the Media
HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 1 Five Essential Elements
HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 2 Hurricane Andrew
HSM 435 Week 3 Assignments Final Paper Prep
HSM 435 Week 4 Discussion 1 Project Liberty
HSM 435 Week 4 Discussion 2 My State’s Disaster Resources
HSM 435 Week 4 Assignments Local and Federal Disaster Resources
HSM 435 Week 5 Final Paper - 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina Disaster Evaluation
HSM 435 Week 5 Discussion 1 The American Public and Terrorism
HSM 435 Week 5 Discussion 2 Hurricane Katrina: Post Disaster

ASH HSM 435 Week 5 Final Paper - 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina Disaster Evaluation NEW
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For the final paper you will analyze the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina. Your analysis must include:

A summary of each disaster with a focus on the psychological symptoms victims experienced from each disaster

An explanation of at least three resources available to treat and assist victims from each disaster (e.g., local, state, federal, and/or non-profit organizational resources. Did the Red Cross or FEMA provide resources to victims to aid in their recovery?)

An analysis of the long term effects these disasters had on victims and rescue workers’ mental health and overall well-being

An assessment of how these disasters affected children versus adults

An assessment of the role the media played in either agitating the psychological symptoms victims experienced from these disasters or helping to reduce the symptoms

ASH HSM 435 Week 5 Discussion 1 The American Public and Terrorism NEW

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The American Public and Terrorism. Explain whether you think deterrence or military retaliation is a more effective means of combating terrorism and why. Of the two, which do you think is more successful in helping societies cope with terrorist attacks?

ASH HSM 435 Week 4 Discussion 2 My State’s Disaster Resources NEW

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My State’s Disaster Resources. Go to your state’s official government web page (e.g., www.texas.gov or www.ca.gov). Locate at least two resources on the site available to victims of terrorist attacks or natural disasters addressing mental health, trauma, or coping.
Explain where you found these resources on the site. (Does the state have an easy to find “Disaster Assistance for Victims” tab on the front page of the site or did you have to do some research to locate the services?)

Explain the resources that are available (victim crisis hotline, monthly trauma meeting, mental health literature to review, etc.) and how a victim would utilize these services. (Does the victim contact their state Representative, contact the Governor’s office, contact a specific state agency, etc.?)

Explain whether or not you think the resources offered by your state would actually be helpful to victims and why. If you cannot find any resources for victims of a terrorist attack or natural disaster on your state’s homepage, describe two services that address mental health, trauma, or coping you think  would be beneficial to victims and why. Explain how you think victims should be able to utilize these services and where they should be advertised for maximum exposure.

ASH HSM 435 Week 4 Assignments Local and Federal Disaster Resources NEW
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Local and Federal Disaster Resources. Visit your local city’s web page (e.g., New York City’s web page is www.nyc.gov and the city of Miami’s web page is www.miamigov.com), state’s web page (e.g., www.texas.gov or www.ca.gov), and FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Identify two resources offered by your city and two resources offered by FEMA to aid victims recovering from a terrorist attack or natural disaster, and analyze how these resources work and how victims can utilize and find these resources.

Evaluate how local, state, and federal agencies could better advertise and be more organized to provide meaningful mental health and trauma support to victims of disasters.

ASH HSM 435 Week 4 Discussion 1 Project Liberty NEW
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Project Liberty. Read “Project Liberty: New York’s Crisis Counseling Program Created in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001.” Explain how Project Liberty met the needs of the community and the outreach initiatives they conducted. Explain why you do or do not think Project Liberty was successful

ASH HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 1 Five Essential Elements NEW
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Five Essential Elements. Read “Five Essential Elements of Immediate and Mid-Term Mass Trauma Intervention: Empirical Evidence,” and answer the following questions:
How do the five essential elements of mass trauma intervention identified by Hobfoll address and treat psychological symptoms of disaster victims? Do you think these elements address the needs of all individuals affected by a disaster? Explain your answers.

Do you think these principles are accurate and comprehensive, or should they be modified? Explain how they are accurate or provide a suggestion to improve the principles.

ASH HSM 435 Week 3 Assignments Final Paper Prep NEW

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Final Paper Prep. Review the Final Paper instructions in Week Five of your online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this course guide. Develop a thesis statement and outline, and an annotated bibliography for at least five sources you intend to use for the Final Paper. Three of these sources must be found in the Ashford University Library. This written assignment will help you prepare for the Final Paper due in Week Five.

a. Thesis Statement: Develop a thesis statement. The thesis statement will be the point or claim you argue or prove in your paper.
b. Outline: At a minimum the outline should include the following:
Key issues and elements of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Hurricane Katrina
At least three psychological symptoms victims experienced from each disaster (Descriptions of the symptoms are not needed for this assignment; only identification of the symptom experienced, such as PTSD.)
c. Annotated Bibliography: Prepare annotated bibliography that includes five sources with three resources  from the Ashford University Library. All five resources must be scholarly or professional sources such as an official government website. This summary should include the following information:
The author(s) of the source and APA citation
A brief summary of the source. (Identify what the article is about and/or explain what the author tested, etc.)
Brief explanation of how this source will contribute to your Final Recovery Plan.
d. Title Page and Reference Page: The assignment should include a properly formatted APA (6th edition) style title page and reference page. The reference page must include at least five scholarly or professional sources.
Academic Research: Students are reminded of Ashford University standards for academic research, which includes:

Primary (original) sources written by experts in the field of study
Secondary sources supported by research in primary sources
Credible sources (experts in the area of study)
Relevant research (materials are pertinent to the area of study)
Educational websites may be appropriate in some cases but should be evaluated carefully
Official Government Websites
The following are examples of what is not acceptable for academic research and referencing:

ASH HSM 435 Week 2 Discussion 2 Children and TerrorismChildren and Terrorism NEW

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Describe at least three factors that influence whether or not children are affected by terrorism. Do you think terrorism has a significant impact on children? Explain why.

ASH HSM 435 Week 5 Discussion 2 Katrina: Post Disaster NEW
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Hurricane Katrina: Post Disaster. Watch Katrina Scars Linger. Describe how the community of New Orleans has responded to the disaster. In your opinion, has the city recovered from the disaster? Explain why or why not. Also, do you think a greater focus on mental health services to victims of the disaster would have expedited recovery?

ASH HSM 435 Week 1 Quiz NEW

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HSM 435 Week 1 Quiz NEW

ASH HSM 435 Week 2 Discussion 1 Prolonged and Isolated Terrorist Attacks NEW

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Prolonged and Isolated Terrorist Attacks. Explain how prolonged terrorist attacks, such as Hamas regularly launching rockets aimed at Israeli civilians, affects individuals as opposed to the affect of isolated terrorist attacks. Which is more difficult for the individual—prolonged terrorist attacks or isolated attacks? Explain why.

ASH HSM 435 Week 2 Assignments Terrorism and the Media NEW

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Terrorism and the Media. In a minimum of five pages (not including title and reference pages):

Analyze how media broadcasting terrorist activities and successes psychologically impacts individuals (e.g., victims, recovery teams, first responders, the general population).
Formulate an opinion on whether media broadcasts of terrorist activities should be limited to reduce potential impact on victims and non-victims. Outline your arguments for both sides of the issue and then clearly state your position. Two concepts to consider when developing your position would be freedom of information and freedom of speech.
Explain how your position on media coverage of terrorist attacks can affect children.

ASH HSM 435 Week 1 Discussion 1 Cyber-Terrorism  NEW

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Explain the impact of a cyber-terrorism attack on (a) an individual, (b) the United States, and (c) international community.
Explain how such an attack would affect these three groups differently.
Address cyber-terrorism which destroys electronic banking information, destroys or prevents electronic commerce (e.g., the Stock Market), or causes failures in critical infrastructures, such as safeguards at power plants failing, resulting in mass power blackouts.
Discuss whether or not you think cyber-terrorism must be waged by an actual terrorist group, or if a 20-year-old college student who is proficient in computers can also perform cyber-terrorism. Why or why not?

ASH HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 2 Hurricane Andrew  NEW

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Hurricane Andrew. Read “Hurricane Andrew’s Other Legacy.” Describe at least two psychological symptoms Hurricane Andrew victims experienced. Do you think the recommendations noted in the article were helpful and appropriate? Why? ddress and treat psychological symptoms of disaster victims? Do you think these elements address the needs of all individuals affected by a disaster? Explain your answers.

ASH HSM 435 Week 1 Discussion 2 Suicide Attacksm NEW

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Identify two psychological symptoms victims and first responders sustain from suicide terrorist attacks. Explain why you think suicide attacks are or are not an effective means of terrorism.

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