Svalbard 2016

A week spent on the back of a snowmobile across the frozen landscape of Svalbard can feel like a week wrestling an angry monkey in a refrigerator, but the splendour of the scenery makes every effort a worthwhile experience.

Seals, reindeer and the occasional polar bear crossed our path in this land that takes beauty to a whole new level.
The old mining town of Longyearbyen
Home from home.  A trappers cabin and our home for two nights
Polar bear mother and cub.  They had been waiting by a seal breathing hole in the sea ice hoping for dinner but the impatience of the young cub was too strong, so they explored instead, the surreal glacial formations that form part of their home
Svalbard 2016

Svalbard 2016

A tour of Svalbard, Norway in late winter, to capture the astounding landscape and a few polar bears.
