Design 21 Campaign
Rapprochement of Cultures
"The centre or innermost part of any person, place, or culture is the heart.
What lies in yours?

This poster represents the heart, and the role it has within the body and the world we live in. It powers our bodies with life, our communities with spirit and our cultures with strength. The heart is an ever changing organ, one that adapts to change, and that changes with us. Changing what lies in our hearts opens up opportunities for us to make a better world.

The mapping in this poster simultaneously illustrates the heart as the core of our world, and the tool we can use to open ourselves up to equality, diversity and the values that lie within each and every one of us. The heart universally unites us, and our hearts can beat together, for the same goal. Through using the heart as a symbol that all civilisations, countries and cultures have in common, this poster aims to strike a chord with people and reinvent the idea that despite different cultures we can all work together."
Design 21 Campaign

Design 21 Campaign

My response to creatively emphasise 'the year 2010 as the Rapprochement of Culture' for Design 21; a social networking site for designers.
