Breadcrumbs: is a series written and designed by myself, recalling my travels to different cities and towns in Europe. This is an extremely personal project as it indulges my memories and experiences of these places, through my photographs, writing and design. Even the publication's size is a personal reference as the width of a double page spread matches the length of my foot, connoting each turn of the page as a new step.
I've chosen the colours based on my perception of the city and selected them from photos I've taken. I've then used blocks of colour to create focus and interaction between type and image.
The dashed lines follow the routes I took through the city, however I haven't added any reference points, as this isn't a guide I've produced and I don't expect anyone to follow my journey.
Literature is a personal interest of mine and in cases where I've found literature that really sums up my feelings or experience of the city I have used expressive typography to display this.
I plan to continue this series as I travel and explore new places. I would like to distribute the series by leaving copies on trains and in hostels around Europe.