Librerías Arcadia.

"Spend your time with a real influencer"

Internet changed a lot of things, amongst them the concept of influencer.
Nowadays, anyone with a bunch of followers on social media thinks
he can mobilize a thought or an idea.
That´s why we create a campaign, demonstrating that the real influencers exist
 long time ago and their power has taken the whole world.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Colombia 
CCO LATAM: John Raul Forero  
VP Creative: Juan Pablo Alvarez
ECD: Julio Herazo
Head of art: Camilo Ruano 
Creative Directors: Andrés Marantá / Alejandro Camelo
Art Director: Andrés Marantá / Alejandro Ortiz / Andrés Sánchez
Copywriter: Alejandro Camelo
Photographer / Retouching: Ricardo Salamanca - SALAMAGICA
Production: Esteban Bohórquez
Ogilvy & Mather Lima
COO: Oscar Vidaurreta
ECD Lima: Andrés Astorquiza 
Librerías Arcadia.