shimin LI's profile

scars on my heart

Student project
Scars On My Heart
ART DIRECTION: Abby Guido, Tyler School of Art / 2018

Scars on my heart
Scars on my heart is a memorial kit that designed to commemorate the Nanking massacre. This memory kit includes The Survivor storybook, 8 bookmarks, and a rain flower stone. The storybook tells the true story of 6 Survivors and two important wetness. Each bookmark belongs to one of the survivors in the book. The rain flower stone, which is a very famous stone in Nanking, represents the city of Nanking. The overall design of this kit is inspired by Chinese culture: the wooden window, Chinese calligraphy, and paper cut. The attention of this memorial kit is to educate people to remember history.The entire project was print and bind by myself.  
scars on my heart