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Remo Drive, McCafferty & Rocko English @ Will's Pub

So I went and saw Remo Drive, McCafferty & Rocko English live at Will's Pub in Orlando back in August.
First time visiting this venue, would love to go there again. I was really excited to see these bands, with Remo Drive being a huge favorite of mine, and I was not disappointed. They all put on an amazing show and I am so happy I was able to snag some great shots, too!

Opening was Rocko English, a local band from Orlando. Chill tunes. Check out Jack, Casey, and Cameron at their Bandcamp:
Next up, McCafferty, a cool band from Ohio. I enjoy these guys, I had heard their music a little bit before this night so I knew they would probably impress me more live. They're all very friendly as well, a friend and I had a nice chat with lead vocalist Nick Hartkop before the show while he signed our copies of Thanks. Sorry. Sure. Evan, Chris, and Wes were all great to meet, too.
What I think makes McCafferty stand out, though, is the amount of raw emotion they display through their performance. If you want to feel, and I mean feel, go see them live.
Also, check out their latest release, Yarn.
Now this is the band that I was really pumped about. I remember when I first discovered their song, Yer Killin' Me, while browsing through a new music community on reddit. The song accompanied a low production video (that I loved) and it had this unique sound to it (that I loved even more). Even now, it's still my favorite Remo Drive track. Then again, I love the entire Greatest Hits album. They've come a long way since they started in Minnesota and I am so happy to see them get big.
I also had the opportunity to display this shot of Erik Paulson on guitar at 1650 Gallery in LA, during their I'm With the Band Exhibition.
These guys are a lot of fun live, I definitely want to see them again. At this point in time, Drummer Sam Mathys is unfortunately no longer with the band. I am sad to see him go, since I loved his personality, style, and everything he brought to the band. I also think he looked really happy playing back at Will's Pub. Despite this, I do wish him well with his new adventures (I hear that he is now drumming for a band called The Happy Children).
I'm not sure what Erik and Stephen have planned next, but they seem to be going in a new "pop"-ier direction with their music.
Say hi to Emo Dave for me.
Remo Drive, McCafferty & Rocko English @ Will's Pub


Remo Drive, McCafferty & Rocko English @ Will's Pub

Remo Drive, McCafferty & Rocko English at Will's Pub in Orlando, August 2017
