Caleb Fong's profile

City of Stoned - Cover & Poster

As it turns out a friend of the family is also a indie film maker. His sister got us in contact, and through e-mail and a few phone calls we got things rolling.
The film is a silly "stoner" comedy about a ninja and his best friend, who he has fallen out of contact with. Brandon, the director and pretty much everything for this movie, wanted something kind of in the same idea as the Napoleon Dynomite posters and cover.
The Cover
This was my first "sketch".
This has some potential. Brandon liked it over all but was wanting the drawings to be more representational. Not a problem. On to stage two!
Step 2 - expand the idea, push concepts and refine.
I spent a little more time looking over the Napoleon Dynomite covers to see what about them I could transition into this version. I started thinking about how the background could tie the elements together. I got the idea to make it kinde of a manilla folder, a dossie looking thing. 
I also added the sticky notes, felt it was a good way of comunicating that this was a recent thing. The visual notes are about things are happening or about to happen. Something about stickie notes seems to indicate immediacty to me.
Brandon was quite pleased with the sketches on the notes.
Now we have a very nearly final version
That brings us to the third "rough". Most of the major elements are now in place. The last part is getting some extra copy from Brandon that has the specifics of the cast and such. 
And that's a wrap!
This is the final version of the cover! All image and text elements in place. Rather plased with the result.
The Poster
No movie is complete without a poster. Thus I made one at the end, borrowing from the design of the cover. It's designed to be 11" x 14" so printing them would be fairly easy and budget concious.
This was not as iterative, since I was mostly me putting it together. Brandon was on board with it and liked the results.
City of Stoned - Cover & Poster

City of Stoned - Cover & Poster

A look into how I made a DVD cover and poster for an indie movie.
