One of the first projects I undertook in Vietnam was a motorcycle design project for a Vietnamese manufacturer.
At the time Japanese manufacturers such as Honda, Yamaha, and Suzuki ruled the roads, so Vietnamese manufacturers needed to come up with a suitable response beyond just a cheaper bike.
The project entailed not only development of a 3D model, but also construction of a full-size clay model that could be used by the manufacturer to develop molds from.
The project was a daunting prospect, not least because no one in the agency had previously worked with a clay model before.
I took the lead and sourced clay from Japan, clay shaping tools from the U.S., and a base and model shop fashioned from materials purchased at the local military market.
The final model was showcased - along with a 3D animation - at the annual shareholder convention in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
FMC Motorcycle