Friends Studio's profile



Some of the best businesses are born out of the simple desire to share what we love with the rest of the world. When one such business was launched by a nature-loving husband and wife team, offering affordable motorhome travel to like-minded happy campers, they turned to Friends to help communicate the heart of their new business to prospective customers.

Before the design process could get underway a name had to be created for the new business. Having uncovered a wealth of motivations, dreams and values when researching into the why, what and who of this new venture. Key words and phrases were pulled together to form the building blocks that inspired a not-so-short short-list. From this list Kintripper was the winning choice – eluding to community, connection and the person(s) making the trip.

The visual branding continues to draw on the values that shaped the name. Mixing this with inspiration from camping collateral and iconography, the word mark and supporting roundels have a nostalgic yet modern feel that connects the kindred memories of time spent in nature with the modern day experience of traveling in a motorhome. The elements used focus on travel, exploration and movement to give a sense of the emotion and experience of motorhome travel, rather than focusing on the vehicle itself.

Naturally the colour palette is rooted in earthy tones, mixed in with brighter colours to add a positive energy to the visual identity and further give a feeling for the experience of taking time out to enjoy the beauty of the UK and Europe via road. Coupled with carefully selected imagery, the overall impact leaves you excited to get booked in and hit the open road.




Dreaming of balmier days ahead?! We've recently created a bright, fresh brand that communicates a sense of freedom and adventure for a luxury mot Read More
