Maybe a little late, here's my selection of my best pictures from 2012.
For sure, it has been a very intense and productive year in which a lot of important things has happened: after some months in spain and around Europe, I finally moved to Cambodia, I visited a lot of amazing places all around Asia (especially Myanmar), several of mypictures were published in international magazines and newspaper and I got my first assignment for the International Herald Tribune.
I got a lot of expectation, ideas and plans for this next year and a good feeling that it will be even better than 2012.
Have an happy new year,
27/02/2012 - Nokia (Finland) where I shot part of the reportage "Chasing the dream: Luca Sturniolo".
23/02/2012 - Nokia (Finland). Luca Sturniolo with his 2 sons and his daughter. The photo is part of the reportage "Chasing the dream: Luca Sturniolo".
19/03/2012 - Schipol Airport (Holland).
25/03/2012 - Paris (France).
20/04/2012 - Madrid (Spain). A picture part of the communication campaign for the project "VÍSTETE" I made for the Spanish NGO NETIOLIÓ.The aim of the project is to create garments made of African Kanga (a typical African fabric) in a style which best fits our way of dressing. All the dresses are made by 3 Senegalese women who live in the small village of Kafountine, South of Senegal. With the money earned from selling them in Spain, they recover the production costs as well as buy new materials to keep production going and give them a hope for a better future.
30/04/2012 - Sunset @ Val D'Orcia - Toscana (Italy).
12/05/2012 - Spain's indignados return to the streets Madrid (Spain).
03/06/2012 - Waiting for a flight connection in Dubai's airport (United Arab Emirates).
18/06/2012 - Siem Reap's bus station (Cambodia).
17/06/2012 - Siem Reap (Cambodia). The young Cambodian artist Savann Oun posing in front of one of his work, exhibited at Art Deli in Siem Reap. This portrait is part of my ongoing project "Once upon a time in Cambodia".
22/06/2012 "Phare Ponleu Selpak" - the school of circus of Battambang (Cambodia). This portrait is part of my ongoing project "Once upon a time in Cambodia".
22/06/2012 "Phare Ponleu Selpak" - the school of circus of Battambang (Cambodia). This portrait is part of my ongoing project "Once upon a time in Cambodia".
30/06/2012 - An afternoon in the arena: Neak Pradals (cambodian boxers) - Phnom Penh (Cambodia).
29/07/2012 - Koh Rong Island (Cambodia).
05/08/2012 - Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
05/08/2012 - Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
10/08/2012 - A Khmer Krom monk in a pagoda just outside Tra Vinh (Vietnam). This photo is part of an ongoing project called "Khmer Krom: the nowhere people"
10/08/2012 - Tra Vinh Province (Vietnam) in the heart of the Mekong Delta hosts one of the largest populations of ethnic Khmer in the country. The province has more the 140 Temples and Pagodas. This photo is part of an ongoing project called "Khmer Krom: the nowhere people"
15/08/2012 - Members of the Cham's community of Chau Doc (Vietnam), preparing food in the last day of the Ramadam. This photo is part of an ongoing project called "Khmer Krom: the nowhere people" - A Cham's cemetery in Chau Doc (Vietnam). This photo is part of an ongoing project called "Khmer Krom: the nowhere people"
15/08/2012 - Chau Doc (Vietnam).
28/08/2012 - Kompong Pluk (Cambodia).
31/08/2012 - Yangon (Myanmar - Burma).
06/08/2012 - Waiting for the train in Pyin Oo Lwin (Myanmar - Burma).
13/09/2012 - Somewhere nearby Inle Lake (Myanmar - Burma).
16/09/2012 - Burmese boxe's match (Lethwei) @ Yangon (Myanmar - Burma).
07/11/2012 - Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Close to 1000 sympathizers protested in front of the Appeals Court of Phnom Penh supporting two arrested female land activists, Tim Sakmony and Yorm Bopha. The crowds efforts were in vain as the court denied the women bail.
17/11/2012. Johan Mars, 28, from Gotheburg (Sweden), shoots with a semi-automatic rifle in the shooting field inside the military base of 911 Airborne Brigade, just outstide Phnom Penh (Cambodia). This photo is part of my first assignment for the International Herald Tribune
20/10/2012 - Monks pay respect for the death of Cambodian king Norodom Sihanouk - Phnom Penh (Cambodia).
19/11/2012 - Phnom Penh. Riot police carrying new Chinese made electrified shields blocked a peaceful protest by members of Phnom Penh's evicted communities as they attempted to demonstrate in front of the US Embassy demanding fair treatment ahead of upcoming ASEAN meetings.
19/11/2012 - Phnom Penh. For the second time during the day, one hundred land activists gathered in the sand of the Boeung Kak Lake to send an SOS message to U.S. President Obama who landed in the late afternoon in the near airport of Phnom Penh to assist the ASEAN meetings.
10/12/12 - Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Over a hundred evicted community members from the Boeung Kak Lake area together with other activists tried to reach the Council of Ministers building to deliver a petition on International Human Rights Day but were blocked by riot police.
14/12/12 - Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Despite the direct intervention of the UN, the appeal court of Phnom Penh denied human rights activist Mom Sonando‘s request for bail. Hundreds of people gathered outside to support him and then organized a sit-in in front of the UN headquarters.
17/12/12 - Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Behind the scene of the last 2 days of shooting of "3.50", a Singapore-financed dramatic thriller about human trafficking in Cambodia co-direct by Chhay Bora — whose first feature film "Lost Loves" is Cambodia’s second-ever official entry to the Oscar’s for foreign language film this year. This photos is part of my ongoing project "Once upon a time in Cambodia".
26/12/12 - Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Police block the protest of 200 land activists nearby the Municipal Court of Phnom Penh, waiting for the result of the trials against T. Sakmony and Y. Bopha. Both detentions were considered fabricated and a violation of human Rights.
My 2012

My 2012

A selection of my favorite photos from the last year.
