Logotipo - #Papo Aberto
Projeto de criação de logotipo para um evento interno de uma rede internacional de hotéis. Neste evento, os funcionários podem trazer para seus superiores críticas e sugestões de maneira aberta e amigável.
This is a project for an HR event for an international hotels chain. In this event, the employees can bring feedback and suggestions to theire superiors, in an open and friendly environment.
This logo was created to represent conversation, colaboration and ideas exchange.
The lamp represents good ideas and solutions that came from the conversation.
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Os personagens foram criados para dar suporte à ideia de colaboração e de conversa, representado os funcionários.
The characters were created to support the idea of collaboration and chat, representing the employees.

Logo: #Papo Aberto

Logo: #Papo Aberto
