Galit Weisberg's profile

Bravya book illustartion

I was commissioned to illustrate a children's book series called Bravya.

I had a relatively free hand and the main piece of information i was given on the Bravya world was that it was loosely based on Shambala and Tibetan philosophy.
After reading the text and doing some research on Tibetan art and culture and looking up  visual references i came up with character concepts and a reference page i used as a visual compass to keep in mind: 
The page on left is my initial sketches, i was going of a more flat and stylized look but after getting some notes from client i decided to change direction for something more classic (on the right): 
Once all sketches were approved and i had a good grasp of the story i chose an image that had all the characters and a full scope of the environment and basically figured out how the book will look. once i was done with the image i used it as a guide for the rest of the illustrations: 
work process from sketch to color:
illustrations from book:
Chapter heads:
Cover concept and illustration:
graphic layout done by - SRVC
you can find out more about Bravya project here:
Thanks for watching!
Bravya book illustartion

Bravya book illustartion

Book Illustration


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