This is a project i called "Reflections" in portuguese(which is my language I would even manage to extend to "Reflexos e Reflexões").
In where I look forward to study Portraits, devoid of any intention, and not only the portrait in itself but something more that which characterizes it, in a deeper field, everything that surrounds us or that we alter with our presence, actions, something that indicates the human presence in that spot.
I started by looking for physical reflections,  but to me it became right away a "hunting" reflection, of actions in which I thought I could see some bits of personality coming through, or of the moment that person is going through.
While everything we do is describing of how we are, by the way we walk to the way we look at things, the way we respond to situations, the way we interact. 
A reflection I believe might be passed by someone else to that person, cause we often use references to our behaviors, even though we don't notice it.
So as humans we are not only a reflection of what we believe, we are a reflection of our society, of our family, of the place we grew up in, of our strongest memories, and even those you can't remember, we are a reflection of the people we love but also the people we hate, cause those still are stuck with us, and we are definitely a reflection of our fears.
We definitely don't reflect light (at least not physical), but something else we reflect that might appeal to some as a feeling of light, of comfort, of energy. 
So I searched for all the interactions I could, and where I looked to get them I'd mostly not even see a shadow. 
So I started collecting images, anyway. It's a self reflection project, and in development. Actually all of these images and some more made part of a kind of  graphic diary because of the feeling i got of work in progress that they gave me I felt that that was the best way of presentation. Like in a graphic diary they create lines as thoughts that originate other lines or other thoughts, and thats what I look for. 
The goal is not to shoot people in the street or empty streets, or degradated spots, it's the something that is being given there, or was, the something else we often reflect but don't know what is that. 
Easily this won't say a thing to someone who was just looking for physical reflections, but the abstraction of what a reflection among us is, thats what I ended up looking for.


