Isabel Snellen's profile

180 Kingsday - 2017 Holiday Campaign

The following illustrations were made for 180 Kingsday Colour Through Christmas.

Here at 180 Kingsday, we understand that Christmas is supposed to be the most joyous time of the year, but in reality it can be the most stressful. Therefore, to help others find their zen, we created an adult colouring book showing the world not as it is, but as it could be. 

Leading on strategy behind the campaign, I also took a very active role in the conceptual stages of the campaign. I was responsible for sparking the idea of the colouring book, however execution was largely done by other members of the team. Alongside the copyright lead, I worked on PR release and social copy.  

Core Team:
Strategy by Isabel Snellen
Illustrations by Harry Crotty and Kent Maquiling
Copy by Daniel Wilcox and Isabel Snellen
Logo Design by Jack Shaw
Website Design by Roan Laenen
180 Kingsday - 2017 Holiday Campaign

180 Kingsday - 2017 Holiday Campaign
