Oscar's Law

Factory farming dogs is a pretty shitty thing to do to man's "best friend". And most people would agree. However, how can you stop something when you aren't even aware it's happening? Australia is one of the biggest nations of puppy farming in the world, with most Australians, unwittingly, purchasing dogs that come from factories. That's where Oscar's Law comes in. Oscar’s law is a campaign that enables everyone to make a stand and tell the government that “We do not want companion animals factory farmed anymore” and “We no longer want the pet industry to mislead us about what is acceptable for our animals”. 

When the campaign started it was purely just to get the Australian government to outlaw puppy farming. Now it's much more than that. Where it was a loud voice it's now a loud collective. Where it shouted it now educates. Where it barked it now bites (sort of). From campaign to institution, Oscar's Law exists to protect, rehome and, most importantly, love dogs that have come from puppy farms.
Oscar's Law

Oscar's Law

A branding project for a campaign about helping man's best friend, dogs.
