Guilherme Bussinger's profile

Gili's (Brand Identity)

by Chef Gabi Amaral

Apaixonada por gastronomia desde a infância, Gabi Amaral passou por outras áreas profissionais até se mudar para San Diego, na Califórnia. Lá ela decidiu que era hora de mergulhar de vez nessa antiga paixão. Após vários cursos de especialização em culinária, Gabi voltou ao Brasil pronta para iniciar essa nova etapa na carreira. Gili’s nasceu em homenagem às suas duas filhas, Gigi e Lili, e vai agora conquistar os cariocas que buscam uma alimentação saudável e de qualidade, com raízes brasileiras e inspiração californiana.

Passionate about gastronomy since her childhood, Gabi Amaral passed through other professional areas until she moved to San Diego, California. Then she decided it was time to dive into that old passion. After several courses of culinary specialization, Gabi returned to Brazil ready to begin this new stage in her career. Gili's was born in honor of its two daughters, Gigi and Lili, and will now conquer the Cariocas that seek a healthy and quality food, with Brazilian roots and Californian inspiration.


O que a Gili's tem a oferecer para as pessoas?
What does the company have to offer to people?

Real Food

Made with natural ingredients

Delivered to your home or workplace

Activities involved in this project:
Corporate culture
Concept and statements (Inspiration, Purpose, Essence, Values)
Brand Personality
Brand Book

Visual Identity System
Color Pallete
Visual Language
Visual Guidelines

Verbal Identity
Tone of voice
Verbal Guidelines

Communication and experiences
Business Stationery
Promotional prints (folders & flyers)
Packaging & bags
Corporate Presentation
Promotional Media

Gili's (Brand Identity)

Project Made For

Gili's (Brand Identity)

Fresh Food Delivery
