The promotional poster for the show
This is the story of a young womans ongoing struggle with her own thoughts after experiencing being raped by a friend. Her uncomfortable costume portrays her entrapment within her mind. This image shows her difficulties of telling the world about the assault. The abuser is closely watching.
Fragments of butoh
The wonderful Siriann P. Berdal has been closely directed by Hedda S. Rui
This show was created by the two of them, in a collaborative, experimental process
"Look! My breath paints the balloons black. I'm so filthy. Make it go away!"
"Look in the bucket. It's all black. And there's more inside of me."
"I remember that night. He took me to a room and locked the door."
TATT (Stage Design)

TATT (Stage Design)

Hedda S. Rui and Siriann P. Berdal wrote an experimental play about the after effects of an acquaintance rape. We meet both the victim and the ab Read More
