FASH. Social oriented fashionable platform
FASH. is a clean and modern app that helps fashion design and textile design students to find an internship in multiple locations around the world, submit their portfolio, see other designers’ work, and get in touch with them, or with potential employers.
log-In screen
There are 3 different log-in options (quality of life), a 'Remember me' checkbox to keep users signed in, and making the overall user experience smoother, a 'Show password' icon to reduce mistyping scenarios, and a 'Sign in as a brand' button.

User profile screen
The user profile screen s divided into 4 sections.
User details: Name, Profile picture, Location, and status: In internship/ Not in an internship.
User description: A short paragraph that describes the designer.
Call to action buttons: Website, Mail, Call and CV
Stats: Shots, Following, Flowers.

User Portfolio screen
The User portfolio screen showcases the designer's works, and also has some details from the designer’s profile.
I did a research on popular and contemporary portfolios in platforms, which led me to present the number of likes, views, and comments on the thumbnail of the work.
Additional details, as the name of the project, updated last, and the comments, will be shown on the selected work screen.
Clothing and styling by Lir Stern: Www.lirstern.com
Photos by Lior and Hadas: www.liorandhadas.com

