Project Idea: 
Write about something that you wish you had more time for, or had more time
to do. Keep in Mind the realities of how you spend your time. Make note of
what you consider to be "free" time and non-negotiable activities. For 60
minutes simply record your reflections on the time you spend in pleasurable or
joyous activities. Review your journal entries. Is there any representations of
time that you can see a color, texture, line, word, that moves you towards
what you want to accomplish, have or be reminded to do. Create a
hand-drawn representation for your thinking. Create an image that whenever
you look at it, the picture will to help you shift towards doing more of what you
want to do with your time.
Entering this project, I knew that I would be able to dissect my "feelings" within
the 20 mins of each topic. When I was doing the project several things were
going on. I had been texting my father, I was watching "Are You the One?" and
my partner and I were arguing about something so small.

The first 20 minutes, Brain Flush Don't Hold Back Anything, I just talked about
all of the three things and what was going on and how they made me feel. I felt
anger, sadness, confusion. Letting these feelings go really showed me how I
was feeling inside. I normally don't talk about my feelings or how I feel, its really
hard for me to express things. And not holding back, being able to write it
down, worked.

The second 20 minutes, Introduce the Subconscious to The Conscious, I
found myself dissecting why I was feeling so confused about my abandonment
from my father and it stemmed from expectation. And the show that I
was watching really showed how people react to expectations that aren't met.
It lead me to believe that it was me that was holding on to something that I just
needed to let go.

The third 20 minutes, Eyes on the Inside, I realized that I needed to just let it all
go. Release. I didn't need to have any expectations when it came to any man
in my life, whether it be my father or my partner. To not hold any expectations
to anyone, because that just leads to disappointment. And I know, its very
common for humans to do that. I am allowed to have emotion towards all of
the let down, but I shouldn't hold on to it because its going to keep me in the
same place and not allow me to move forward.

After writing my 60 minutes to myself, I was able to break down my writing into
four different parts: attachment, abandonment, remorse, release.
60 Minutes to Myself

60 Minutes to Myself


Creative Fields