
摩坊166位于上海大悦城购物中心内,是一个包含餐饮,体验,购物等综合业态的商业街区项目。摩坊166标识诠释了该项目的定位和概念:突出“摩坊More Fun”商号英文字母“M”,利用M的外形并结合立方体结构,最后构成一个“心形“的外轮廓;以年轻态为核心,呼应上海大悦城爱情地标的定位,突出爱心符号;几何化的线条也反映出项目的工业感的空间风格。


More Fun 166 is a brand identity project for an arcade space at Joy City Shanghai. Situated at the upper floors in the shopping mall, More Fun 166 encompasses restaurants, bars, stores and workshops. It is hopping to bring together a multifaceted shopping experience for youngsters. 

The challenge of this identity design is to create a consistent looking for four different streets (Workshop st., Neon st., Sleepless st., i-Land) within the arcade. The identity would better reflect the theme of Romance at which Joy City Shanghai has particularly positioned itself. The interior design of the space is rustic and industrial, so the overall feelings of the logo would be straightforward, clear and robust.

The logo represents this idea of a space in contradiction. In addition to a geometric heart-shaped outlines, It also constructs the letter "M" as this is the initial of More Fun 166. A hexagon grid was created for building the entire identity system, resulting in not only the logo itself, but also renders out a number of icons. 



