Most of us are not creative not because we´re not creative.
We´re not creative because we´re lazy.
Blunt but true.

Artists see things in a diferent way from those who aren´t.

The righteous will flourish, they will stay fresh & green.

Big things happen when we perform faithfully the little things.

And everything was good.

Follow the light.
There you will find wonderful things if you believe.


Es aquel constante insecto en la guata que mantiene vivo al diseñador, especie de polinizador de ideas, cual abeja de flor en flor el diseñador va de idea en idea polinizando & proliferando nuevas realidades.


Designar un lugar para cada elemento.

Be Relevant!
Be Credible!
Be Provocative!
Take a stand!


Leaf / life / live

I have a dream

Creative MRRG

Creative MRRG

Creative MRRG es un proyecto personal. Mensajes/frases/textos/palabras tomando protagonismo dentro de un mundo digital.
