Kristen Salter's profile

Acrylic Pour Paintings by Fervid Pours

fer·vid (ˈfərvəd) adj.
     - intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree.

Ohai there, I'm Kristen. Down below are examples of my newest foray into the world of creative expression... Fluid Acrylic Pour Painting. It's messy and unpredictable. You have very little control of what the final outcome will be, but that's half the fun of this technique.

I use acrylic paints with additives such as pouring medium, homemade pouring medium comprised of PH neutral PVAc adhesive, gloss varnish/medium, and water to bring the paint to a warm honey like consistency. Then I add either ispropyl alcohol or silicone oil to cause the layers of paint to float or sink on top of each other, creating organic looking textures and patterns. No two paintings are ever the exact same. 

I will be creating another project in the future (with video!) on a step-by-step process on how to create your own fluid acrylic painting. 
Acrylic Pour Paintings by Fervid Pours

Acrylic Pour Paintings by Fervid Pours

Examples of my newest obsession, Fluid Acrylic Pour Paintings.
