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Christian Books Delivering us from Secular Privileges

There has been a lot of misunderstanding about the Christian faith from the secular world. The term “Christianophobia” was coined to show just how the secular world looks down upon things that pertain to the Christian faith. In one case, a Colorado State University Christian organization applied for a grant to get a speaker to come and speak about Christianity at the college. The grant was turned down, and this led to a serious court case, where the student’s organization claimed that they were discriminated against since they were Pro-Christianity.

It is up to Christian publishing to deliver the world from such secular privilege, by coming up with books that teach about Christianity in a manner that is acceptable to the secular world. Any Christian Bookshop UK should have publications that will appeal to a secular audience, but have a Christian message.

Secularity and its effect on daily life
The secular world has always tried to maintain a sort of secular exclusivity especially to things that are based on the Christian faith. For example, a hospital may be looking for a doctor who would not hesitate to give an emergency abortion to a mother who may lose her life. The secular world will prefer a doctor who is not firmly rooted in Christianity, as opposed to one who upholds the Christian faith and may hesitate to perform such a procedure. The hospital management will be thinking of the financial implications of lawsuits brought about by such decisions, and therefore favor the non-Christian doctor.

Christian publishing has a great role to play in changing these kinds of views. It is time that they picked up the mantle and set the world free from secular and/or Christian privilege.

Read complete blog here.
Christian Books Delivering us from Secular Privileges

Christian Books Delivering us from Secular Privileges
