VW Amarok, all weather

The VW Amarok is a real allrounder of the Volkswagen Group and as such just the right object for the new personal spread by WE! shoot it duo, Michael Compensis & Thomas von Salomon. With the honey-comb orange colored special model Country, the two embarked on a ride through virtual rough terrain. But while the car was staged using CGI in collaboration with NPIXO, it did indeed get quite rough during the backplate shoot in Tenerife and in the Bavarian and Austrian Alps for the two photographers, for which they climbed up volcanoes or stood in icy-cold, crystal-clear mountain stream water for the backplates and spheres. With a drone, they overflew alpine pass streets together with Max von Eicken. The result is a personal spread which could not be any more varied.
VW Amarok, all weather