Water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was. - Toni Morrison

Okay, this is my first ever try on Water Drops. Wanted to try this with 85mm f1.8 or 100mm f2.8 macro but I think I still need an year or two to get my hands on it, selected this 1 from 158 others. Well, I may upload another shot in a day or two, and will keep others for Stock. The shoots took about 4 hours. One straight hour was wasted replacing batteries in the trigger. And in the end, I was like 'Ah! My back!', but I just don't feel alive after being inactive off flickr for a week. The trigger is such a pain. It just don't work in the right time. If somebody someday gifted me PWs, they must really be a god-sent!

The post-processing took about 3 hours. It was actually the scratches down on the steel I cleared, the tones and Most Important ; the texts. I'm kinda 'I'll photoshop it later' guy, a very bad habit I must say. :)
 - Aug 6, 2010


© 2010 wA Photography
