NOKIA mobile lab is a project by NOKIA to encourage web developers to have the space and tools to create their own apps and be sponsored by NOKIA

I would like to notify that the 3D is not done by me, however the concept, art work, chosen quotes, space design, and few of the furniture design is done by myself, each element/art work and quotes are related to the concept of innovation to motivate the developers while working
Chillout room
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" Walt Disney
Meeting room
In the meeting room is the place where ideas and statements are created, and because ideas are not limited, so i created the white board vinyl that takes up all 3 walls of the room, starting with lit quotation marks from both sides
Testing room
Work station room
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"  Albert Einstei 
NOKIA mobile lab corridor
Nokia mobile-lab


Nokia mobile-lab

NOKIA mobile lab space design
