God is _____. Identity and Rebranding

re-brand of God and of the Catholic Church. More precisely, of one of the great symbols: the crucifix which represents this great community and the whole associated image.

The rebrand should be attractive and strong enough to draw the attention and fascinate both audiences:
those who are already part of the community: in order not to discourage them against the new image; they mustn't feel uncomfortable in belonging to the community;
. those who are not part of the community: leading them to question the community principles so they feel interested to know more about or even join it.

What is God for you? was our main idea. We developed our project essentially based on this question.

God is

The idea was to turn the four concepts above into something palpable and less abstract. In a way, making them closer to people so they could relate more easily with the comumnity. We chose to turn those words into icons. Icons are elements that are not only easy to interpret but also recognised worldwide. That is why we consider very important to bear in mind that this campaign should be easily applied anywhere once (Christian) religion is universal.

We realize God can be everything we want but not the same for everyone. 
God can be several things for the same person. God is whatever you want.

We wanted people to feel free to atribute a different meaning to the same word: love can be a heart for me but a flower for anyone else. We do not all see things or even feel them the same way.

God is everything.

The idea was not to restrict or assign a single visual meaning for the image of God. Therefore, and once we decided not to use such obvious and direct ideas/icons, our main goal was that people question themselves Why is God an ice-cream?, for example. The willingness and desire to know more about the community, for those who are not yet part of it, should increase by the curiosity and strangeness caused.



Thanks for watching! 
Workshop w/ Ian Anderson
at ESAD Escola Superior de Artes e Design
MA in Communication Design 
Year 2017
Designers Cátia Lima, Inês Ribeiro, Joana Moreira, Joana Trigo, Sofia Barbosa

God is ____ .