Film Title Sequence
Zombi 2 is an Italian-cult film released in 1979 (US 1980) and directed by Lucio Fulci. The story takes place on a Carribean Island where the protagonists encounter zombies, rising from the dead due to an ancient Voodoo curse. The movie and original title sequence features a staccatto beat, refrencing voodoo drumming. The background music often accompanies the zombie attacks, creating a sense of dread and disorientation for the protagonists.
Title Still.
I decided to use the original music for the title sequence, and kept the film introduction as well. The typography is succinctly choreographed to the music and is meant to keep up the pace and disorientation. Akzidenz Grotesk was chosen as the typeface. It has a few styles for differentiation and hierarchy and has a subtle awkwardness to it from it's design imperfections. It takes distress well, which was used throughout the sequence. Moving film grain, distorted film stills, and forbidding textures are used to compliment the type and set the tone of the movie. Hierarchal relationships between first names and surnames and titles are reversed or made ambiguous to create a slight delay in identification, replicating the moments of uncertainty throughout the film. The primary colors used are red and black. This firmly places the movie in the cult-film, horror genre and doesn't pretend otherwise. The title sequence ends by fading into the first chapter of the movie.
Video of Title Sequence.
The Director.
Production Designer.
Zombi 2

Zombi 2

Zombi 2 is an Italian-cult film released in 1979 (US 1980) and directed by Lucio Fulci. The story takes place on a Carribean Island where the pro Read More
