"Shots, images of a city that whispers charming words, home of extraordinary personalities, place of study and escape.
The streets and "cafés" of Montmartre tell the secrets of the hard life of the artists, the Champs-Élysées become the scene of long walks and unexpected loves, while the Tour Eiffel wears bright evening dresses. But there is also the simple side of Paris, the silent one that leaves the viewer any thought or consideration.
The reality of her inhabitants, her visitors in a dynamic web of shadows, looks and impressions.
Even objects communicate, and are tormented because they don't have voice, and they boast of their own mystery.

PARIS, France is part of a series of projects with the purpose of depicting the most important, aswell as the less known European cities with a poetic and fine art-oriented style of photography.
PARIS, France

PARIS, France

PARIS, France is part of a series of projects with the purpose of depicting the most important, aswell as the less known European cities with a p Read More
