Christian Newton's profile

Christian Newton - Wonderland Pictures Artwork

The Flat Man (1993) Poster Artwork
The Flat Man '2004' DVD Sleeve Artwork
'The Flat Man' 2004 DVD, VHS and soundtrack CD
The Flat Man (1993) Alternate VHS Video Front Cover Artwork (Flat Man illustration copyright of Moira Kemp)
Araneida Eight (2003) Online Poster Artwork
The End (1991) 2011 Poster Artwork
The End (1991) Quad Poster Artwork Design
The End '2004' DVD Sleeve Artwork
SAM (1994) Poster Artwork 2011
SAM (2004) Soundtrack CD Artwork
Dummy (2009) Front DVD Artwork
Dummy (2009) DVD Sleeve Artwork
The Field (ongoing project) Teaser Poster
Wonderland Pictures Entertainment - Studio Logo (2010)
Christian Newton - Wonderland Pictures Artwork

Christian Newton - Wonderland Pictures Artwork

Sample of posters and DVD artwork created for Wonderland Pictures Entertainment small library of short films.
