This is a film project i worked on in my first year in Multimedia. We worked in groups of 5 or 6 and each had are own specific roles which we had to focus on . In this case I was a camera man along with another person. Although we were not directors we did end up having a lot of say what happened when it come to the shot on set as things would often change due to time constraints on the environment around us. This was a good learning experience and having another camera man with me definately helped. 

We each done our own edit of the footage after. This is my edit, hope you enjoy it. 
The project was 5 weeks long as we did have some time to prepare and practice with the equipments as well as learning how to use lighting effectively. 

These are the 2 movie posters I produced for the film which was part of the brief I was given. I based these loosely on other films of the same genre. 
Last Chance (Film)

Last Chance (Film)

1st year film project
