William Jones Jr.'s profile

Facilities Improvements

In his current role as Director of Operations & Strategic Initiatives at Rutgers University Career Services, Wil is responsible for major facilities projects.
In his previous role as Associate Director at the University of Maryland, William Jones is primarily responsible for the enhancement of the University Career Center facility.  This includes the selection of updated furniture, natural plant life, and renewed displays across the office.  Wil has also worked with the Assistant to the Director to select new paint colors for the office and coordinated with the Manager of Information Technologies to install new technology throughout the space.
BEFORE: University Career Center lobby
AFTER: University Career Center lobby

Includes new paint colors, raised lettering on the bulkhead above the main desk, addition of plants, an acrylic showcase to promote Center events and services, and the addition of television displays in the ground floor lobby. 
BEFORE: University Career Center On-Campus Interview Suite
AFTER: University Career Center On-Campus Interview Suite

Includes a new wall recognizing the Center's employer donors (designed by Adler Design inc.), new paint colors, raised lettering displaying the Center's mission statement, addition of plants, new furniture for the waiting area and interview rooms, new pictures and glass dry erase boards in each room, the creation of an employer lounge and the addition of television displays in the waiting room, conference room and employer lounge.
BEFORE: University Career Center Resource Room & Library
AFTER: University Career Center Resource Room & Library

Includes new paint colors, raised lettering displaying the "President's Promise" statement, addition of plants, new bookcases, pictures and computers, acrylic showcases to display Center marketing pieces and more.
Facilities Improvements

Facilities Improvements

Facilities enhancement projects
