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Sexual Orientation- A Fundamental Right

"India finally declares freedom of sexual orientation a fundamental right. Discrimination against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation is deeply offensive to the dignity and self-worth of the individual", said the news a week ago. Yet, the other day I heard a bunch of kids having a conversation where they referred to a transgender woman passing by as "that thing". I wonder when people will start realizing that we're all human and respect each other equally. And hopefully this law which just passed about privacy being a fundamental right will come into practice in the near future. And if it was left to me,I feel that the LGBTQ community have nothing to hide or be private about. It makes me happy to see that they're ever so proud and true to themselves! 
Colours of Pride are used to make this illustration to convey the message. No matter what each of their sexual orientation is, their private parts are censored to provide privacy. Just by seeing the rest of the body, you cannot judge if it is a man/woman/trans person. The purpose of this is to prove the point that no person should be discriminated based on their sexual orientation and that everyone should have equal rights.
Sexual Orientation- A Fundamental Right

Sexual Orientation- A Fundamental Right
