Jason Frits's profileJames Bruno's profile

Sazze – whym app

While working for Sazze I was asked to lead creative efforts on a brand new "unnamed" app that would offer discounts on last minute tickets to tours to popular travel destinations. Spontaneity was the essence I set out to capture with the name whym. With the logo I attempted to invoke a playful, fun, attitude by creating an ambigram typemark. Even if you were upside down when you saw the whym name it would be read correctly. 
The whym ambigram
whym branding
Whym city select page, activities feed, and app icons (the ticket numbers changed with each app update to reflect the updated date)
Activity Details
Booking flow (Credit to Jeiji Bruno for the final design)
Sazze – whym app

Sazze – whym app
