Julia Tanksley-McCoy's profile

Jaye and Keith: Character Profile Photo

These portraits are of my characters Jaye and Keith, who are two of my favorite characters.
Jaye is a character I made up back in freshman year of high school. He was a mercenary for hire/gunslinger. He was sarcastic and reclusive, but also a flirt. 
About 2 years ago, I revised him to be apart of the French Mafia (Including making him French in the process), but making him more sarcastic and flirty. Basically, a smooth talking French man,

Now, he's demon hunter for hire.
He's now back to his first personality, but cares more about others.

Keith is one of my favorite characters, as he is somewhat of a mystery to what he feels. He's a demon, but instead of the usual demon, he is the literal Cthulhu and brother to Zephyra, or Lucifer. 
He's almost all power as he is blessed by the "universe god", Cyrus.
Keith is kind of odd, as he doesn't recognize social ques and carefree most of the time, but will realize when he needs to stop and when he needs to help.
Jaye and Keith: Character Profile Photo

Jaye and Keith: Character Profile Photo

Two character profiles of my characters
